Autonomous mobility domain must abandon the public cloud in favor of a safer solution
News of the world western drama starring Tom Hanks illustrates the public cloud in the automotive world. In that movie, Tom Hanks makes his living by traveling from town to town reading the local residents a newspaper for 10 cents per person. His commute was hindered many times by various setbacks.
We all know that the cloud platform requires internet connection to function properly. Problems doesn’t end there. Latency is a deal breaker in the automotive and IoT domain. Not to forget the continuous issues results from the CI/CD mechanism. These platforms praise themselves for being agile and CI/CD based, while in reality, this mechanism replaces a set of issues with another set of issues, faster!
The cloud platform is not proper for quick, location oriented data transmitting in the IoT domain. Moreover, the caching mechanism can be either offline or online. Nothing in between. In this post, I present a cute idea with a revolutionary platform suggestion to replace the cloud mechanism where it’s advantages are liability.
Let’s think of this idea for a second. Every smart automotive on the road got news to tell. whether it is the ice-cream van passing the neighborhood or the vehicle on the lane ahead of you which just witnessed a turtle crossing the street. Such news are hot and relevant as long as the distance is right. i.e. Why would I care about the turtle down the road if the news travelled the latency hell of the public cloud and reached me when my hot wheels dashed it to smithereens?!
The principle of my revolutionary idea is location driven and not time driven. By kicking time out of the equation, there is no membership for the cloud solution in the future mobility clubhouse. Public cloud providers use their atomic bombs to defend SLAs while latency is not a parameter in my suggested platform. The latency parameter is not even idempotent, it doesn’t exist!
The grasshopper protocol — which I came up with, highlights the fact that grasshoppers get squeezed over your windshield because you were there. It has nothing to do with the grasshopper’s speed or time travel. With that weird analogy of mine being said, autonomous vehicles are going to have brains running on a powerful processing computers to build a real-time news others need to know. The news are broadcasted over radio waves. local deployed receiver units catch the broadcasts and cache them while a transmitter unit transmits these grasshoppers to whom it concerns. more precisely, to whom happens to be in the range — your windshield, your receiver. Just like this, we accomplished the middle-caching.
I am a General-Motors employee and I am witnessing the bright future and the revolution that takes off in the automotive domain and IoT. These domains are not the comfort zone of the public cloud services. The 5G network is coming to serve this revolution. V2V is a niche pioneering the domain. However, with thinking big, I am talking about IoT to IoT — Anywhere. Praise the 5G network.
Originally published at on May 25, 2021.